Thursday, February 18, 2016

Turbulence Training FAQ'S - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is Craig Ballantyne?


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc., is a sought after fitness expert and consultant to Men's Fitness magazine - one of the most popular fitness publications in the world, and Maximum Fitness.

Craig's fat loss and workout tips are featured every month in Men's Fitness and his sports training articles and workouts can be found on a number of websites and in many other magazines such as Men’s Health, Oxygen, Maximum Fitness, and Muscle & Fitness Hers.

Craig’s areas of expertise include helping busy men and women lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in as little time as possible. Craig also has an extensive research background and keeps up to date on the latest scientific findings that will help improve your health and wellness and your physical and mental performance.

Q: How much fat can I lose with Turbulence Training?

The short answer is, “a lot”.

But to be more specific, you should be able to lose one pound of body fat each week (in addition to following sound fat loss nutritional practices). At the same time, you should expect to gain or maintain muscle.

Turbulence Training for Fat Loss gives you at least 16 weeks of fat-blasting workouts, so expect a two-digit fat loss by the time you get through the program.

Q: Why should I only use each version of Turbulence Training for 4 weeks?

We want to keep the element of variety in the training program to achieve consistent fat loss. Nothing, except poor eating, halts fat loss like staying on a training program for too long. By switching it up on a frequent basis, you’ll avoid fat loss plateaus and keep making gains in strength and fitness at the same time.

Q: Can women use Turbulence Training? I don’t want to bulk up.

Yes, they sure can. Many women have had Turbulence Training Success Stories.

As well, women don’t have to worry about “bulking up”. Unless you are over-eating, it is hard for women to gain muscle. So by using the Turbulence Training for Nutrition guidelines, along with the interval training to burn fat, you will not bulk up when you do the strength training exercises (which are essential for boosting your metabolism – to burn even more fat).

entrenamiento turbulento

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