Showing posts with label build muscle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label build muscle. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight

In addition to taking a nutritious breakfast it is important that you combine it with a light dinner, as our body accumulates fat at night.

Although you have inherited the metabolism of your family, you are not condemned to settle with him and live with overweight and discomfort involved. It is always possible to change our metabolism and make it work with us and not against us. Some studies have shown that each of these tips speed up your metabolism, so your body lose weight faster, healthier and naturally in less time and with less effort.

1. Eat breakfast every day something nutritious

Eat something nutritious breakfast (like an omelet with spinach and feta cheese with a slice of whole wheat toast) shortly after waking your metabolism will start working immediately and correctly. According to a study conducted by the National Weight Control Registry US with 5000 patients healthy breakfast implemented in daily life, weight loss can be up to 30 kilos in 5 years.

This is because breakfast gives energy to the body and this stops accumulating fat instead began working with the food that we give and lose weight naturally. It is also recommended that light cenes, because during the night spent several hours in fasting and body accumulate as much fat as you can.

2. Add green tea to your diet

Green tea is known for its antioxidant properties, but also recently discovered that helps speed up metabolism, and thus lose weight quickly. Researchers from several universities have conducted studies with various groups of people to determine the benefits of this tea. One of the results was that those who started the habit of drinking green tea lost weight faster than others because it facilitates fat oxidation and thermogenesis. The ideal amount is 5 cups of green tea a day, bringing the energy body with just 90 calories increases considerably.

3. Eat foods rich in omega 3

We already know that eating fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids (such as salmon or tuna) speeds up your metabolism, in addition to regulating blood sugar levels and reduce other problems (such as inflammation). But some studies have been made recently have shown that these fatty acids also help to reduce resistance to leptin, a hormone that facilitates weight loss. If you do not like eating fish or prefer other alternatives, you can add a daily supplement of omega-3 containing between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams or some nuts for the same benefits.

4. Do not remove all the calories from your diet

We have the idea that those who remove more calories from your diet, manage to lose weight more easily. While this may be true in the beginning, when our body realizes that we are giving fewer calories, you begin to increase your energy accumulating fat. Therefore, eat more accelerates your metabolism as long as you choose healthier foods and nutrients you provide. It is also important not to spend long periods of fasting. The ideal is to eat 6 times a day (300 calories each), instead of two meals too heavy or high caloric value.

5. Make different intensities to exercise

The next time you make exercise (walking, swimming, running, etc.) adds some intervals of 30 seconds in which you increase the intensity and then returns to normal intensity. These slight changes make your body consumes more energy, significantly strengthens the ability of cells to regenerate and helps them have greater oxygenation. With this you can also exercise less time but achieving the desired objectives much faster. These intervals can be added to any the sport that you make.

6. Take a break after exercising

Exercise is a gift we can give to our body and health, but can also cause severe fatigue when it is too intense. Although exercise helps to speed up metabolism, a key element is the proper rest that allows our body to return to his state of total calm. It is important that the amount of calories you burn with exercise exceeds the amount you eat, this will help you lose weight more effectively.

7. Avoid trans fats

We've all heard how bad are these fats, but also reduce the natural ability of your body to burn fat. This is because our cells and prolong alter our metabolism. As if this were not enough, they can also lead to insulin resistance and inflammation. So eliminating trans fats from your diet, boost metabolism and weight loss.

8. Increase protein intake

Our body takes longer to digest foods rich in protein rich fat or carbohydrates. This means that when you eat protein you feel satisfied longer, while still working your metabolism and burning fat to achieve it. This results in a considerable acceleration of your metabolism and reducing hunger. In addition, it has been shown that eating protein allows you to gain muscle rather than fat.

Speed ​​up your metabolism with a good diet

The genetic mark some features of our body, but with some changes can take control of what we want to change and achieve. Speeding up your metabolism means that this will work faster, burn more calories and get or we will keep our ideal weight.

By following these tips, we give the opportunity to our body to stay healthy naturally and self-regulating. This is much healthier to try complicated diets that generate few results or follow a poor diet that will sicken us.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Maximize Your Metabolism

How to Maximize Your Metabolism
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer 

You cut calories and you exercise. You do exactly what the articles say - Your calories out are greater than your calories in. You should be losing fat. But if you aren’t, perhaps you’re still not paying attention to an often forgotten factor of fat loss - your metabolism. 

Your metabolism is a measure of how many calories you are burning each day. But did you know that the food, exercise, and lifestyle choices you make every day have a significant impact on your metabolism? For example, if you starve yourself (instead of following a sensible fat-loss eating plan) your metabolism will slow down. If your metabolism slows down, it means your calories out will be less. And that means no more fat loss, and possibly even continued fat gain.

So for every day that you continue to slow your metabolism with unhealthy lifestyle choices, you get further and further away from fat loss. To help, I’ve put together a list of the top 10 ways to maximize your metabolism, so that you’ll burn as many calories as possible each day so that you can finally lose the fat. For the exact workouts and nutrition plan to help you lose the maximum amount of fat in as little time as possible, visit 

1. Don’t starve yourself! Cutting calories too much is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Starving yourself actually causes you to lose much more water weight and muscle than fat. Use to find out your daily calorie intake. 

2. Eat 6-8 small meals per day with an emphasis on lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. You have to have a nutrition plan, so spend a couple hours on a day off preparing as much food as you can for the upcoming week.

3. Eat breakfast. You have to make this meal part of your daily metabolism-boosting plan. At the very least, eat a lean protein, drink some Green Tea, and consume a fiber-rich fruit to get your fat loss day started right.

4. Eat healthy fats. Sources of healthy fats included nuts, fish, olive oil, and flax oil. I consume 10 grams of fish oil per day. Replace all processed carbohydrates in your diet with almonds. For example, if you currently eat a small bag of pretzels as a mid-afternoon snack, eat almonds instead (eating the same number of total calories). 

5. Eat high quality foods that will help you control your blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and energy levels. Insulin management will help you lose fat and prevent you form gaining fat. Controlling your hormone levels is the #1 neglected factor in fat loss programs.

6. Eat 1.14g of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you don’t know your lean body mass, then simply eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight. But if possible, stick to the lean body mass recommendation, as that eliminates excess fat mass when calculating protein needs. 

7. Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol intake can quickly add hundreds of calories and alcohol prevents fat burning. Alcohol intake can also reduce testosterone levels, a big no-no for men looking to get lean.

8. Drink Green Tea and water. While I don’t believe that either of these will increase your metabolism, I do believe that they help prevent decreases in metabolism. Not too mention, these are your 2 healthiest beverage options.

9. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Don’t stay up all night, and if possible, avoid working afternoon and overnight shifts. If you must work shiftwork, stick to the rest of these principles as strongly as possible.

10. Use the strength training with moderately heavy weights (that allow you to complete 8 perfect reps per set) and interval training for the most efficient and effective metabolism boosting workout. 

If your metabolism has slowed down due to improper dieting or lifestyle, then follow these tips to help you get back on track to lose fat and gain muscle. Once you correct your metabolism, you will be on the road to losing the fat for good. Just in time for summer. 

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

The 6 Steps to Fat Loss Success for Beginners

The 6 Steps to Fat Loss Success for Beginners

By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer 

For beginners, getting into fitness can be intimidating and confusing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, getting fit is one of the most straightforward tasks you’ll attempt in the New Year. Fortunately, reaching your fitness goals requires only two things; discipline (that’s up to you) and a set of simple guidelines (which I’m happy to provide).

First, you should arrange for a full physical examination from your physician. This is mandatory for people that have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, or are obese. Once you have your doctor’s approval to begin a fitness program, you should schedule a fitness assessment with a health professional at your gym. 

While both of these are incredibly annoying, they are essential to your success and well-being. The benefits of a doctor’s visit are obvious, particularly if you have one or more of the previously mentioned conditions but it also allows you and your doctor to discuss your lifestyle. Preventative medicine is far better than reactive medicine. Make your doctor part of your fat loss and health-building team along with the health professionals at your gym. 

The real benefits of the fitness assessment aren’t finding out how much body fat you have or how many minutes you can last on the treadmill, but rather getting a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. If you want to avoid injury and actually achieve your goals this year, get to know your strengths and weaknesses.

The next secret is to walk, don’t run, to fitness success. If you want to pick up your University running workouts where you left them 10 years ago, that’s fine. But I guarantee you won’t last 10 days. And then it’ll be a dreary 355 days until you’re ready to try exercise again. 

The hidden benefit of a good fitness assessment is that it will actually serve as a nice introductory workout to your return to fitness. It will buffer your delusions of fitness grandeur from the reality of what your body actually can do. After the fitness assessment teaches your body a lesson and awakens your muscles from their winter slumber, only then will you realize your limits that you must respect in subsequent workouts.

Goal-setting is the fourth secret to success (and not just in fitness, but in any area of life). It is much more effective to commit to a set of specific short-term and long-term goals than it is to routinely hope for weight loss each year. 

Set realistic goals and remember to train within your limits. If you are currently sedentary and haven’t exercised in months (or years), don’t begin an advanced training program. Start with a conservative beginner program. Your belly wasn’t built in a day, and neither will be lost overnight. 

Limit your initial workouts to 1 set per muscle group. In week 2, you should be ready to add another set. And if you want to build up to 3 sets, then do so in week 3. Slowly increase the weight and stay within your desired repetition range. At no time should you be too sore to function. And runners should also heed this advice. Too much running will guarantee shin splints in the early going. Avoid running on back to back days for the first two weeks and keep the distance short. Sore muscles are guaranteed when you lift. So keep the volume low.

And now for 2 super secrets that will help keep you committed and consistent with your workouts and will finally help you lose fat for good. 

First, build your social support team. Social support is the #1 factor for success for women in fitness programs, and is important for men as well. Support can come from your spouse, brother or sister, child, mom or dad, friend, neighbor, co-worker, personal trainer, or lifestyle coach. Don’t try to go it alone. People respond better when they report to a person instead of a machine. 

You also need to know that nutrition is the second most important factor for success in fat loss programs. That’s why you don’t need to train like a world-class athlete when you are starting to lose fat. Most of the fat you’ll lose in the early going is because you have chosen to make better nutritional choices. And if you don’t make better nutritional choices, even the best exercise program in the world isn’t going to help you achieve your fat loss goals.

Nutrition is a lot simpler than you think. Don't over think things. See a nutritionist or listen to what your mother told you as a kid. Food choices should contain a large nutrient-to-calorie ratio. Dr. Phil (yes that Dr. Phil) calls this “High-Response Cost, High-Yield Nutrition”. And follow this rule: Don't eat foods with added sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, but make sure to log your nutritional intake. This is a free website that allows you to track your calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

The consistent use of these 6 secrets will help you achieve your fat loss goals this year. Make this year’s fitness plan a strategic investment in your future health. The most efficient and effective way to lose fat in 2005 is with my Turbulence Training workouts - the choice of fitness professionals.

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,