Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Safe Weight Loss

Safe Weight Loss 
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

What is necessary for safe weight loss?
A calorie deficit must be created through exercise and a small calorie reduction. This means more energy goes out than comes in. If it were only so simple!
Problem #1
Appetite seems to increase with activity level (therefore cancels out energy expended), this may not always happen.
Problem #2
The body will attempt to conserve weight during times of increased activity and reduced calorie intake (body becomes more efficient with energy).
Problem #3
Scales do not tell how much of the body weight is muscle, fat, OR water.
Problem #4
We all know someone who eats a lot (and eats a lot of "forbidden foods") BUT does not seem to gain a pound, while others eat very little and still have difficulty in altering their body composition.
Tip #1
You must use weight training to build muscle mass and increase metabolism and you must exercise consistently. The energy expenditure will help develop a negative caloric balance.
Tip #2
Base your success on how you feel, how your clothes fit, and how well you perform in your sport/activity, NOT on how the scale reads.
Tip #3
Do not starve yourself. The body may shut down its metabolism and it becomes extremely efficient in saving/storing energy. Eat nutritious meals spaced evenly throughout the day to maintain the metabolism and provide energy for exercise. Reduce any unnecessary food intake.
Tip #4
Remember you are trying to eat fewer calories then are needed to maintain weight. Aim to reduce the calories by a maximum of 20% (i.e. 200-400 per day), BUT/ never go lower than 1500 total daily calories. Reducing the amount of fat in your diet greatly helps in reaching a calorie deficit (because each gram of fat has 9 calories).
Tip #5
Do NOT eat "fat-free" foods in excess. Remember the aim is a calorie deficit! There are no magic OR forbidden foods. Some are better than others BUT very few items need to be fully excluded from a diet. Allow yourself at least the occasional treat.
Tip #6
Choose water as your low-calorie fluid source, unless you need the nutrients that are provided by a glass of milk OR juice.
Be honest #1
Do you really need to lose weight? Losing weight often involves certain sacrifices, so determine if it is really necessary for health or performance and then make full commitment to the goal.
Be honest #2
Can you decrease your food intake without your health suffering? Try to reduce calories with your health in mind by reducing the foods with least nutritional value (i.e. processed foods, sugary drinks, excess sauces, and sugar).
Be honest #3
Are you truly hungry when you eat? Are you just thirsty, bored, stressed?
Be honest #4
Are you active for only 30minutes (your exercise session) and then stuck in a chair for the rest of the day? Consider this before you justify an increase in caloric intake.
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Author, Turbulence Training
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

Cardio Can Kill

Cardio Can Kill 
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

I'm not a big fan of long cardio, especially extreme bouts of cardio - i.e. running marathons.
Just this past weekend a 41-year old man died running one of the Toronto marathons. Last year, same thing. These are not the first, nor will they be the last men to die running a marathon.
And for what?
To run an irrelevant distance for no reason at all. I don't see any logical reason for most people to run a marathon. Particularly when you are a 40-year old father of a young family. You can be fit and healthy with far less exercise time, as long as you train with far better exercise choices.
Sure, you can say you are pushing the boundaries of your human performance...but I doubt that is any consolation for the family of thes two men.
No matter how "type A" someone is, or how driven they are to perform in a marathon, simply being able to run a marathon proves nothing. And it can have disastrous consequences. Not too mention the many smaller negative consequences of:
a) A waste of hours of your life spent away from your loved ones while you pound the pavement
b) Sore knees, chronic back pain, and blistered feet
c) Money and time wasted in the physiotherapist's office
d) An improperly trained body (i.e. weak back of the body, no upper body strength, overuse injuries)
e) A level of fitness that has limited carryover to real world needs (carrying groceries & other objects, outsprinting an attacker, manual labor, etc.)
So please, if you insist on running marathons, do yourself and your family a favor and:
1) Get a full physical from your doctor. This goes without saying for anyone on an exercise program over the age of 30, but running marathons is another reason not to neglect your physical exams.
2) Pay close attention to your body during the race. Wear a heart rate monitor, and exercise conservatively, drink the right amount of fluids (but not too much as that can be the cause of death in long runs), and just plain be careful. A marathon is hardly a reason to risk your life.
Now, here's more bad news.
Cardio has been killing fat loss programs for decades.
Because almost all of the exercise science studies performed in the 70's through the early 90's were done on distance running.
From there we got the messages that:
i) To lose fat, you had to do long, slow endurance training. Clearly, we know this is false. Nutrition is the most important aspect of fat loss.
ii) That we should eat a high-carbohydrate diet. This message, while generally true for endurance athletes, was broadly applied to fat loss. So we were subjected to that hideous low-fat, high-carb phase in the 90's where we were urged to eat Snackwell low-fat cookies with no regard to the sugar and calorie content.
iii) Beginners should get out on high-volume, walk-run programs. Now while it is important to get people out and exercising, high-volume activities for underprepared beginner muscles are going to cause injury fast. And that's what happened to most people that tried to take up running.
iv) Too many cardio enthusiasts had the wrong mentality of, "If I go for a 5 mile run, I can have some juice and cookies as a reward". Needless to say, that didn't help anyone lose fat.
The end result?
This high-cardio, high-carb approach to fitness and fat loss left many men and women with thunder thighs, saddle bags, and chronic running injuries.
Fast-forward to this decade, and the mainstream media is finally starting to see the benefits of strength training and interval training for both fat loss and the cardiovascular system.
Not too mention people are finally getting their nutrition right. And it's so simple:
- lots of fruits and vegetables (rarely does anyone get enough)
- lean protein
- healthy fats
- fiber-rich low-glycemic carbohydrates
Dr. Chris Mohr gives dozens of options for each in the TT Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines.
So eat right, train right, and be safe.
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Author, Turbulence Training
P.S. Okay, so you don't want to give up running?
At least train your body correctly with Turbulence Training. It trains the muscles that running neglects, and promises to put more power into your hill running.
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

10-Minute Fat Loss Workouts

10-Minute Fat Loss Workouts 
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Last week I helped Men's Health magazine on a piece about getting workouts done fast. Personally, I think you can get a great body-changing workout done in minutes.
How fast?
I'm talking 10-minutes.
By now, I'm sure you're asking...
How do you lose fat in only ten minutes?
What about the rule that it takes 20 minutes of cardio before you start burning fat?
Well, first of all, as I have said before, the whole idea of a
fat-burning zone or a magical fat-burning time period just doesn't fit with the common sense approach to fat loss.
People can lose fat without doing any cardio at all - so its clear
that you don't have to workout for at least 20-minutes with your heart rate at 60% of your maximum heart rate. Fat loss is far simpler than that - and I'll show you some basic workouts below that crank your metabolism and help you burn calories when you are not exercising.
Second, the results of your training occur outside of the gym
rather than during the workout. That's why the before-mentioned "increased metabolism" is so important. If you put the right "turbulence" on your muscles in 10-minutes, you can change your body - without even thinking about doing cardio.
So let's look at the first fat loss in a hurry workout - a
10-minute bodysculpting workout. Let's say you only have 10 minutes to do your workout today - what should you do?
In this case, you need to combine a warm-up, strength
training, and interval training all into one. So our efforts are
best put forward on bodyweight training.
And you don't have time for isolation work. Instead, you need to
hit three "hot zones" on the body for maximum metabolism boosting: push muscles, pull muscles, and legs.
By doing so, you'll hit all the other muscle groups at the same
time. So you'll do a circuit of soemthing like:
1A) Prisoner Squats (advanced option: 1-Leg Squats)
1B) Pushups (advanced option: Spiderman Pushups)
1C) Inverted Rows (advanced option: Pull-ups; easy option:
In the first round of this circuit, you'll go through it easy.
Perform 25% of the maximum number of reps you can do for each exercise. So if you can do 20 pushups, do only 5 in the first
warm-up circuit. That's a warm-up circuit.
Then you'll do as many circuits as you can in the remainder of the 10 minutes. Just go back-to-back-to-back on these 3 exercises. You can rest after the rows/pull-ups for 30 seconds if necessary, but that's it.
You'll be pleasantly surprised with how you feel at the end of the 10-minutes. And your metabolism will be elevated for a much longer period than if you trained in the fat-burn zone for 10-minutes.
Okay, now here's another option, moving into some dumbbell work. The following superset trains the entire body, and focuses on the 3 hot zones.
1A) DB Squat (8 reps per set)
1B) DB Chest Press (8 reps per set)
Use light weights for one warm-up set, and then do as many sets as possible in 10 minutes for the rest of the workout.
In any case, if you find yourself with another 10 minutes, you can up the fat-burning ante by doing 10 minutes of intervals. This too is far more effective for fat loss and fitness than 10 more minutes in the "so-called" fat-burning zone.
Do 3-5 minutes of exercise-specific warm-up.
Then do your intervals for 30 seconds followed by 30-60 seconds of rest. Repeat 3-6 times. Then cooldown.
Okay, now let's get greedy and assume we have 30 minutes for our workout. We'll be close to getting maximum results with this
"marathon" duration workout.
First, hit up the bodyweight circuit mentioned above. Do this
twice, nice and easy. That will take 5 minutes off the clock.
Then move into your strength supersets. Following the lead above, you'll look to train the entire body with only 2 moves. It's not always easy, but fortunately you can do 2 supersets in this
workout. The strength training will take about 15 minutes as you'll do 3 sets of 8 per exercise with no extra rest between sets - just long enough to switch exercises.
1A) DB Split Squat (If you have a barbell, use it instead of DB's)
1B) DB Row
2A) DB Romanian Deadlift
2B) DB Incline Press
Then finish with intervals. For this workout, try another program. Start with a warm-up, then do each "work" interval for 45 seconds, and rest 60 seconds between each interval. Do 4-6 rounds and finish with a cool-down, of course.
I could go on and on with these fast fat loss workouts...and of
course I do, in the Turbulence Training e-book.
I'll follow up on this article in the future, passing along some of
the exact Turbulence Training workouts that I use with my clients to get the most results in the least amount of time.
Until then, train hard, train safe, and train better than everyone
else in the gym.
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Author, Turbulence Training
P.S. Is a lack of time stressing you out?
"No time to exercise" is the #1 reason most people don't exercise consistently. In fact, a lack of time stresses most people out for many reasons - whether it's a lack of time to prepare good food, exercise, or be with your family.
That's why I created Turbulence Training to be the most efficient and effective fat loss program out there.
The warm-up is applicable to your workout, not some 5-minute waste of time on the treadmill.
The strength training supersets shave minutes off your wait time.
And the intervals cut your cardio in half, or more.
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

How to Maximize Your Metabolism

How to Maximize Your Metabolism
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer 

You cut calories and you exercise. You do exactly what the articles say - Your calories out are greater than your calories in. You should be losing fat. But if you aren’t, perhaps you’re still not paying attention to an often forgotten factor of fat loss - your metabolism. 

Your metabolism is a measure of how many calories you are burning each day. But did you know that the food, exercise, and lifestyle choices you make every day have a significant impact on your metabolism? For example, if you starve yourself (instead of following a sensible fat-loss eating plan) your metabolism will slow down. If your metabolism slows down, it means your calories out will be less. And that means no more fat loss, and possibly even continued fat gain.

So for every day that you continue to slow your metabolism with unhealthy lifestyle choices, you get further and further away from fat loss. To help, I’ve put together a list of the top 10 ways to maximize your metabolism, so that you’ll burn as many calories as possible each day so that you can finally lose the fat. For the exact workouts and nutrition plan to help you lose the maximum amount of fat in as little time as possible, visit 

1. Don’t starve yourself! Cutting calories too much is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Starving yourself actually causes you to lose much more water weight and muscle than fat. Use to find out your daily calorie intake. 

2. Eat 6-8 small meals per day with an emphasis on lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. You have to have a nutrition plan, so spend a couple hours on a day off preparing as much food as you can for the upcoming week.

3. Eat breakfast. You have to make this meal part of your daily metabolism-boosting plan. At the very least, eat a lean protein, drink some Green Tea, and consume a fiber-rich fruit to get your fat loss day started right.

4. Eat healthy fats. Sources of healthy fats included nuts, fish, olive oil, and flax oil. I consume 10 grams of fish oil per day. Replace all processed carbohydrates in your diet with almonds. For example, if you currently eat a small bag of pretzels as a mid-afternoon snack, eat almonds instead (eating the same number of total calories). 

5. Eat high quality foods that will help you control your blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and energy levels. Insulin management will help you lose fat and prevent you form gaining fat. Controlling your hormone levels is the #1 neglected factor in fat loss programs.

6. Eat 1.14g of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you don’t know your lean body mass, then simply eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight. But if possible, stick to the lean body mass recommendation, as that eliminates excess fat mass when calculating protein needs. 

7. Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol intake can quickly add hundreds of calories and alcohol prevents fat burning. Alcohol intake can also reduce testosterone levels, a big no-no for men looking to get lean.

8. Drink Green Tea and water. While I don’t believe that either of these will increase your metabolism, I do believe that they help prevent decreases in metabolism. Not too mention, these are your 2 healthiest beverage options.

9. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Don’t stay up all night, and if possible, avoid working afternoon and overnight shifts. If you must work shiftwork, stick to the rest of these principles as strongly as possible.

10. Use the strength training with moderately heavy weights (that allow you to complete 8 perfect reps per set) and interval training for the most efficient and effective metabolism boosting workout. 

If your metabolism has slowed down due to improper dieting or lifestyle, then follow these tips to help you get back on track to lose fat and gain muscle. Once you correct your metabolism, you will be on the road to losing the fat for good. Just in time for summer. 

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

The 6 Steps to Fat Loss Success for Beginners

The 6 Steps to Fat Loss Success for Beginners

By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer 

For beginners, getting into fitness can be intimidating and confusing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, getting fit is one of the most straightforward tasks you’ll attempt in the New Year. Fortunately, reaching your fitness goals requires only two things; discipline (that’s up to you) and a set of simple guidelines (which I’m happy to provide).

First, you should arrange for a full physical examination from your physician. This is mandatory for people that have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, or are obese. Once you have your doctor’s approval to begin a fitness program, you should schedule a fitness assessment with a health professional at your gym. 

While both of these are incredibly annoying, they are essential to your success and well-being. The benefits of a doctor’s visit are obvious, particularly if you have one or more of the previously mentioned conditions but it also allows you and your doctor to discuss your lifestyle. Preventative medicine is far better than reactive medicine. Make your doctor part of your fat loss and health-building team along with the health professionals at your gym. 

The real benefits of the fitness assessment aren’t finding out how much body fat you have or how many minutes you can last on the treadmill, but rather getting a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. If you want to avoid injury and actually achieve your goals this year, get to know your strengths and weaknesses.

The next secret is to walk, don’t run, to fitness success. If you want to pick up your University running workouts where you left them 10 years ago, that’s fine. But I guarantee you won’t last 10 days. And then it’ll be a dreary 355 days until you’re ready to try exercise again. 

The hidden benefit of a good fitness assessment is that it will actually serve as a nice introductory workout to your return to fitness. It will buffer your delusions of fitness grandeur from the reality of what your body actually can do. After the fitness assessment teaches your body a lesson and awakens your muscles from their winter slumber, only then will you realize your limits that you must respect in subsequent workouts.

Goal-setting is the fourth secret to success (and not just in fitness, but in any area of life). It is much more effective to commit to a set of specific short-term and long-term goals than it is to routinely hope for weight loss each year. 

Set realistic goals and remember to train within your limits. If you are currently sedentary and haven’t exercised in months (or years), don’t begin an advanced training program. Start with a conservative beginner program. Your belly wasn’t built in a day, and neither will be lost overnight. 

Limit your initial workouts to 1 set per muscle group. In week 2, you should be ready to add another set. And if you want to build up to 3 sets, then do so in week 3. Slowly increase the weight and stay within your desired repetition range. At no time should you be too sore to function. And runners should also heed this advice. Too much running will guarantee shin splints in the early going. Avoid running on back to back days for the first two weeks and keep the distance short. Sore muscles are guaranteed when you lift. So keep the volume low.

And now for 2 super secrets that will help keep you committed and consistent with your workouts and will finally help you lose fat for good. 

First, build your social support team. Social support is the #1 factor for success for women in fitness programs, and is important for men as well. Support can come from your spouse, brother or sister, child, mom or dad, friend, neighbor, co-worker, personal trainer, or lifestyle coach. Don’t try to go it alone. People respond better when they report to a person instead of a machine. 

You also need to know that nutrition is the second most important factor for success in fat loss programs. That’s why you don’t need to train like a world-class athlete when you are starting to lose fat. Most of the fat you’ll lose in the early going is because you have chosen to make better nutritional choices. And if you don’t make better nutritional choices, even the best exercise program in the world isn’t going to help you achieve your fat loss goals.

Nutrition is a lot simpler than you think. Don't over think things. See a nutritionist or listen to what your mother told you as a kid. Food choices should contain a large nutrient-to-calorie ratio. Dr. Phil (yes that Dr. Phil) calls this “High-Response Cost, High-Yield Nutrition”. And follow this rule: Don't eat foods with added sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, but make sure to log your nutritional intake. This is a free website that allows you to track your calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

The consistent use of these 6 secrets will help you achieve your fat loss goals this year. Make this year’s fitness plan a strategic investment in your future health. The most efficient and effective way to lose fat in 2005 is with my Turbulence Training workouts - the choice of fitness professionals.

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

The Best Cardio Intervals for Fat Loss: Part 2

The Best Cardio Intervals for Fat Loss: Part 2 
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

If you don’t have variety in your program, you are more than likely to end up at a fat loss plateau soon rather than later. Variety is one of the keys to keeping that fat loss coming.
So not only should you have variety within your training week (i.e. alternate between two different interval training workouts, rather than just doing the same interval workout each time), but you should also change these workouts every 4 weeks.
So you need to change your training program every 4 weeks. To modify your interval training workouts, you can…
  1. switch exercise methods (and even use bodyweight exercises for intervals)
  2. increase or decrease the length of the interval (while decreasing or increasing the intensity, respectively)
  3. increase or decrease the number of intervals per workout
  4. increase or decrease the rest time between intervals
First, let’s take a look at the interval methods. Here is my list of preferred ways to do your intervals, ranked in order from best to worst, based on my experiences…
  1. Sprinting outdoors (and hills might be the absolute best)
  2. Strongman movements (Farmer’s walks, tire flips, car pushing)
  3. Bodyweight interval circuits
  4. Treadmill running
  5. Stationary cycle (upright preferred)
  6. Stairclimber
  7. Rower
  8. Swimming (only works for competent swimmers)
  9. Elliptical & Crosstrainer machines
Okay, so how long should you do intervals and how the heck do you do bodyweight exercises as interval training?
First, I stand by what I said in Part 1. There does not seem to be a “best” interval training program. But that is good because it allows us to use variety in our approach. (So perhaps the best interval training method is simply the one that changes every 4 weeks.)
Interval recommendations have ranged from 15 seconds (from Muscle Media waaaay back in the late 90’s), to 5 minutes (these are known as aerobic intervals). So let’s take a look at each interval recommendation and all those in between.
15 seconds
The great thing about 15 second intervals is that you’ll be able to work at a very high rate (almost near your maximum power output), as long as you get adequate recovery between work intervals. The downside is that it is very difficult to do 15 second intervals on machines, because it takes a long time to “build up” and “bring down” the machine settings to the correct speed.
If you decide to use these short, high-intensity intervals, you should do so only if you already have an above average level of fitness. Your rest interval should be at least 15 seconds long, and can be as long as 60 seconds. The longer you rest, the harder you will be able to exercise in each interval.
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
This method is known as the Tabata protocol, after the Japanese scientist that published a study on this routine. It is very demanding (obviously), and while some trainers have suggested this is the best method for interval training, I don’t think there is any proof that you will get better results.
Clearly, the pro’s with this method (as well as the 15 second intervals) is that you’ll get your workout done faster (provided you do the same number of intervals as any other workout). Again, it would be very difficult to perform this type of interval training on a machine, due to the time lag as you increase or decrease the settings. And finally, these too should only be performed by above average fitness levels.
30 seconds
The Turbulence Training workouts tend to use a lot of 30 second intervals. Beginners will rest up to 90 seconds between intervals, while advanced fitness levels will rest 30-60 seconds. The longer (relative) rest allows you to work harder in each successive interval (i.e. you’ll almost be able to match your performance in the first interval with each following interval). Short rest intervals (as in the Tabata protocol) will lead to a dramatic drop-off in performance with each interval. You can easily do the 3-second intervals on any machine.
45 seconds
These intervals are proven for fat loss, in addition to being effective for many team sports (such as hockey, soccer, basketball, and rugby). I have used 45 second intervals extensively in both areas of training. Not only will these tax your muscles, they will also tax your will to complete each interval (if done at the right intensity). Use 45-90 seconds of recovery between intervals. Do 3-6 intervals per workout. Your fitness and fat loss will skyrocket.
60 second intervals
Similar to the 45 second intervals in benefits and toughness. Use 60-120 seconds of recovery between each.
120 second intervals
These are now officially aerobic intervals, and can be used for both fat loss and improving aerobic capacity for sports and running. A great way to achieve two fitness goals at once. Exercise for 2 minutes and then recover for 2 minutes. Repeat 6 times. These workouts take longer (obviously), but can have a role in changing your body and improving your performance.
5 minute intervals
Same strategy as with the two minute intervals. This really increases your workout time, so these are only used with serious endurance athletes.
Beginner vs. Advanced
If you are thinking that these intervals all sound “too intense” for you, please don’t worry. Interval training is all relative. You don’t have to sprint for your life in each type of interval. Instead, just work at a slightly harder than normal pace. By the end of the interval, you should be getting tired, but you shouldn’t be gasping for air. Start conservatively and you will get the hang of it.
For example, if you regularly use level 5 on the stationary bike for 30 minutes continuously, you might try doing a 1 minute interval at level 7. Try that for an interval workout and let me know how it goes.
My favorite intervals for fat loss are between 30-60 seconds. These have been the staple intervals in my Turbulence Training workouts since the first workout was designed back in 2001. But again, I think you will get your best fat loss results if you vary your interval training workouts - just like you must vary your strength training workouts.
Intervals are the secret to success,
P.S. Do you need to lose a post-vacation belly?
“Craig, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been using your Turbulence Training System to whip myself back into shape after a vacation and too much time in front of the computer getting a couple of projects completed and I’ve dropped 10.2 lbs. of bodyfat in the last 28 days. As a fellow fitness professional I can safely say that it’s the best and most efficient approach to improving body composition that I’ve come across.”
Pat Rigsby
The Fitness Consulting Group

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

The Best Cardio Intervals for Fat Loss: Part 1

The Best Cardio Intervals for Fat Loss: Part 1 
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Is there really a best interval training system for fat loss?
Do intervals really work as well as regular cardio for fat loss?
I'm going to cover these, and many more questions in Part 1 of your lessons on interval training.
But this is not just interval training 101. Today, you're going to
leave this email with a graduate degree in interval training for
fat loss.
I'll answer both questions upfront before the lesson begins, and
I'll give more details on each as we go along:
1) Conservatively, intervals are at least as effective as regular
aerobic training for fat loss. Personally, I believe intervals are
far superior. And there is no denying that intervals allow you to
get your workouts done a lot faster than slow, boring cardio
2) I have to admit, there is no best interval training program for
fat loss. But that is a good thing, because there are so many waysv that you can change your interval training to keep your fat loss results coming week in and week out.
By changing your training program every three to four weeks, you are using one of the key principles of Turbulence Training -
variety. It is essential to change your workouts this frequently,
otherwise you might suffer from a dreaded fat loss plateau.
And if that is the case for you now, I'll show you dozens of
alternative interval training workouts you can use to kick-start
your metabolism and fat loss.
Now what many people don't know, or perhaps just fail to recognize, is that interval training is not just for advanced fitness superstars. No way. In fact, intervals are an effective and perhaps even the most effective method for beginners to get fit and lose fat.
First you have to understand that interval training is based on
relative performance. While my intervals would be much too hard for a beginner, my intervals would be a joke for Lance Armstrong.
So even for those men and women that are just dipping their toe
into the fitness waters for the first time in months, years, or
dare I say, decades, they too can do interval training.
If you are a beginner and you can walk at 3.3mph for 20 minutes, then your intervals will start at a walk at 3.6mph for 30 seconds to a minute. That is interval training.
It doesn't have to be high-intensity, sprint-to-the-death activity.
Instead, just increase the intensity slightly more than you can
normally handle, and do so for a short time, and intersperse that
with periods of easier exercise for twice the duration.
So if you did 1 minute at 3.6mph, drop down to 3.0mph for 2
minutes. Do that up to 6 times, and you've had yourself an interval session.
Now for those of you that have been doing only slow, traditional
cardio, switching over to interval training 2-3 times per week is
going to be the fat loss equivalent of throwing a lit, gasoline
soaked rag on a pile of dry kindling.
Here's why...research has given us a lot of evidence that intervals are superior to traditional cardio. First, a study from Laval University in 1994 compared interval training to aerobic training - straight up - over a 12 week training period. Subjects that used interval training had better results. They lost more fat. You can't argue with that.
And second, interval training causes metabolic turbulence - also
known as boost in your metabolism. Due to the high-intensity nature of intervals, there is more "turbulence" applied to the muscle. That means more muscle breakdown and more adaptations in the muscle.
Now I know that sounds very technical, but all you need to
understand is that when all this extra activity goes on at the
muscle level, it requires a lot more energy to return your muscle back to normal (i.e. to get out of turbulence and back to a normal resting state).
And when your body uses more energy, it means, in laymen's terms, that you are burning more calories.
So it's important for men and women not too get hung up on the
calorie counters in the gym. First, because the calorie count of
the workout is not the only factor in determining fat loss
(intervals burn far more calories after the workout - more on that later).
And second, a report on CBS showed that the calorie counters on some machines are often significantly inaccurate.
Doesn't that boil your blood when you think back to all those times you did slow, boring cardio and patiently watched the calorie counter creep up to your goal of 250, 300, or even 400 calories? And who knows if that was even accurate?
With intervals, you can forget about the calories on the machine.
Just work hard, do the intervals, then leave the gym and let your muscles continue burning calories on its own while it recovers from exercise.
OK, time is up, so I'm going to leave off here for Part 1.
I apologize, you don't have your Master's of Science Degree in
Interval Training yet, but you will after Part 2.
So your homework between now and next week's class is to start incorporating interval training into your fat loss program. For beginners, see the outline above. Make sure to include a 5-minute specific warm-up and cool-down.
And if you truly did just peel yourself off the couch last week and you have not exercised in years, I insist that you see a doctor before you take up any exercise program. Believe me, you'll thank yourself for it.
For more advanced fitness levels, let's start with 60 second
Do a 5-minute specific warm-up, then exercise for 60 seconds at a slightly harder than normal cardio pace.
Follow that with 90 seconds of exercise at a very easy pace. (Don't exercise too hard in the recovery period - that is one of the biggest mistakes people make with interval training!). Repeat this sequence for 3 more intervals (let's just do 4 intervals for your first session).
Through trial and error, find an intensity that allows you to work to near fatigue - but not complete fatigue, there should still be some "gas" left in the tank - by the end of the 60 second interval.
In the next newsletter, I'll discuss at least 6 different interval
durations and when you should use them, as well as the best
interval training methods - and don't miss when I expose the most ineffective machine in the gym.
Hint - It is also the most common machine these days, yet I've yet to see a single person change their body by using this machine for their cardio and intervals.

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,

Workouts for a Busy Gym

By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Gyms are busy. Too busy. And it is always busiest when you settle in for your TT workout with its awesome fat-blasting supersets.
I know it drives you nuts when you are trying to pair lunges and
presses while someone is taking up valuable workout space chatting or doing some pointless fluff exercise. Why can't they just get out of your way and let you finish your super effective TT workout?
Crowded gyms are such a big problem that I designed the following TT workout that helps you perform my trademark "noncompeting" supersets - the most effective way to lift for fat loss - without letting anyone get in your way. This new version of TT lets you get it done right, even in a busy gym.
The secret to this workout is the pairing of two exercises that can be done at the same bench and often with the same weights. So you won't lose your spot between exercises. Camp out in your little area, work hard, and you'll get lean and lose fat faster than ever.
NOTE: This workout originally ran in Men's Fitness magazine, but I've actually improved the workout just for you! Always looking out for my subscribers.

Workout Guidelines
· Workout 3 days per week alternating between workouts A &
B. Rest 1 day between sessions.
· In week 1, you will follow an A, B, A schedule. In week 2, a B, A, B schedule. In week 3, an A, B, A schedule, and in week 4, a B, A, B schedule.
· Each pair of exercises constitutes a "Superset". In each
Superset, do one set of the first exercise followed immediately by the next (1A & 1B) and then repeat.
· Rest 1 minute after completing the exercises in the
Superset (i.e. after 1A & 1B).
· Repeat each Superset until you've completed a total of three sets of each exercise in the pair, then move on to the next
· Use a 2-0-1 lifting tempo for all exercises (except for any holding exercises like the plank). Take 2 seconds to lower the weight, pause briefly, and then take 1 second to lift the weight.
· Finish each workout with stretching for the tight muscle
groups only.
· For full exercise descriptions and photos, see the Turbulence
Training manual.
· If you are limited by time, reduce the number of sets in the workout, but always perform the full warm-up.
· Never skip a warm-up.
o Perform this circuit 2x's using a 2-0-1 tempo:
- 10 reps of bodyweight squats or step-ups
- 20 seconds for the plank
- 8 reps of kneeling pushups or regular pushups
- 10 reps of inverted bodyweight rowing exercise or band pull
- Perform 2 warm-up sets for each exercise in the first Superset.
- 1 set of 8 reps with 50% of the weight you will use in your
"real" sets.
- 1 set of 8 reps with 75% of the weight you will use in your
"real" sets. 
Turbulence Training Interval Training Guidelines
· Research has shown that interval training is very effective for fat loss.
· It is recommended that the stationary cycle be used for
interval training because it allows for an easy transition between
work and recovery.
· Finish each interval workout with stretching for the tight
muscle groups only.
Beginner Interval Workout:
· Warm-up for 5-minutes.
· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a hard
pace (at a subjective 7/10 level of intensity) - i.e. fast walking.
· Follow that with "active rest" for 90 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity) - i.e. slow walking.
· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.
Advanced Interval Workout
· Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.
· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a very hard pace (at a subjective 9/10 level of intensity).
· Follow that with "active rest" for 60 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity).
· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.
Workout A
1A) Wide-stance Squat (8 reps)
- Set your feet 4-6 inches wider than shoulder width, your toes pointed forward.

- This superset works best if performed in a squat rack that also has a chin-up bar.
1B) Chin-ups (6 reps)
- If this is too hard, perform a Reverse-grip Lat Pulldown.
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to Squats.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next
2A) Barbell Step-ups (8 reps per leg)
- Use a step that's high enough so that your knee is bent 90 degrees.
- If you have to use DB's for the step-ups, take an extra 30
seconds rest when going from the step-ups to the rows.
2B) DB or Barbell Row (8 reps)
- Keep your lower back naturally arched.
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to Step-ups.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next
3A) Side Plank (5 reps per side)
- Contract and brace your abs for 10 seconds per repetition
while keeping your body in a straight line.
3B) Stability Ball Jackknife (12 reps)
- Rest 30 seconds and then go back to Side Plank.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then go to the Intervals.
Workout B
1A) Low-Incline DB Chest Press (8 reps)
- Set the incline to one notch above the flat-bench position.
1B) DB or Barbell Romanian Deadlift (8 reps)
- Keep your lower back naturally arched for the entire
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to 1A.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next
2A) DB Close-grip Chest Press (8 reps)
- Push the dumbbells straight up, not together.
2B) DB Rear-deltoid Lateral Raise (8 reps)
- Keep a tight arch in lower back and lean forward as far as possible.
- Perform this exercise extra slowly so that you don't use
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to 2A.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next
3A) Elevated Push-up (12 reps per side)
- Place one hand on a 4-inch step or box and lower your body as
far as possible.
3B) Stability Ball Rollout (15 reps)
- Keep your body in a straight line at all times--don't allow your back to round or bend backward.
Let me know how this workout goes for you and email me your
results. Better yet, take a before and after picture and some measurements to monitor your progress.
If you have any other questions, just let me know.
Craig Ballantyne
Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,