Showing posts with label interval training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interval training. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to lose weight by drinking water

Yes, exercise and calories are important, but how much water take a day could play an important role among accomplish your goal to lose weight ... or not. And it's so easy to forget that it is important, that many lose the habit easily.

It gives you more energy to exercise: If you're dehydrated, both your training and your results will suffer. Unfortunately you begin to feel thirsty until you lose about 2% of the weight of water in your body ... but it's still recommended that active women drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day.

Accelerates metabolism: Besides sweat, water accelerates the time to burn calories. This happens because every time you have to eat or drink, your body must work (burn calories) to process what is coming.

Eliminates cravings: choro sure you heard of 'the water will make you feel full' ... but if you know it's true, why are you doing? Moreover, most people do not know how to identify if what they feel is hungry or thirsty, and that both sensations are incredibly similar. Whenever you feel hungry, drink a glass of water, if that emptiness in the stomach is not removed, it's because you're really hungry.

It gives you energy: When your energy levels are stable, you can do a lot of exercise, you will not have cravings and you really feel motivated and comfortable. And that's where the water (70% of your body) is important; sets in motion your cells, your muscles receive oxygen and nutrients and your brain focuses on work to lose weight. You feel like a push sugar? Drink water!

You refrains from taking other things: However good it is water alone is much better when you compare it with other beverages, such as soda or coffee. For example, carbonated water swollen belly, alcohol and coffee dehydrate steals energy. What better than water?

This will not allow you get The Body Of Your Dreams

You create your own goals.
You are determined to achieve them.
You want a body that you can feel proud.

But while you spend your days burning that fat, there is an enemy that is an impediment.

Try not Logres get, ever, that body that both want ...
Try to fatten you ...
Making it very difficult to see results ... and hopes to one day get frustrated and give up.
Because he knows that if you do that ... you come back again ... to eat all your regrets.
The Evil I speak of is ...
The sugar!

And if you try to burn fat, no doubt he will be your greatest enemy.

Do not fall into their trap ...
A rich chocolate bar ... that cake calling you ... ice cream that melts on the cone ...
Everything has been designed to sink ... and you lower your defenses ...
To give that first step and goals bite of doom ...
Because when you do, he knows he can not stop. It has been shown that the sugar has similar addictive effects to drugs. Addiction is real.
And if you let it consume you, you can forget the body ready for swimsuit you so desire.

Why sugar stops the process of losing weight dry!

And so it does:
When you eat sugar, elevated blood glucose level. But your body likes to be balanced, and does not like to have as much sugar in the blood.
It will cause great chaos in your energy levels.
So a hormone called insulin, which regulates these levels of sugar.
The more you eat sugar, the more insulin you produce.
But here is the problem ...

The insulin puts your body into "fat storage mode"!

When insulin levels are high, your body literally stops burning fat ...
So all those calories you consume that are trapped in your belly ... thighs ... buttocks, or any area that is more vulnerable in your body.
But luckily we are not alone, fighting these horrible cravings.
We have to get the answers alone.
For that answer and got a mother of two from Miami.
His name is Ingrid Macher. And she learned how to make your body and mind work together so that all those sweet cravings dissipate. And it was worth it ...
Because to have eliminated cravings ...

Ingrid managed to lose 25 kilos of fat in 90 days!

And most importantly, many of his followers had similar results ...
What helped them get a sexy and healthy, faster than you could imagine body.
And now she shares what he did, step by step.
For Ingrid took a free to air video weight loss ...
Where he reveals his secret weapon, a phenomenon known as "The Union Between Mind and Body!"
In this video, you not only see the great transformation (and their followers) ...
But you learn the secrets she used to lose weight ... and how you can do the same.
You can watch the video here!
And once you apply the information contained therein, you may be you inspiration ...
Finally you can achieve get the body you've always dreamed of!
So you see the video while it is available.

6 Tips to lose weight at night

1. Dinner with little salt:

If you want to wake up feeling less bloated, definitely avoid foods high in sodium, advises Keri Gans, author of The Small Change Diet. What happens is that the salt remains in your system overnight, so you'll wake up more swollen than usual. The best option is to cook a healthy dinner with steamed vegetables and lean protein, none of this is loaded with salt.

2. Exercise at night:

You know that sweat can help you lose weight, but perhaps think that exercising in the next to go to bed hours, you can do you can not sleep. However, this is not true; a survey conducted in 2013 by the National Sleep Foudation found that the most active people have 56 to 67 percent more likely to sleep better, no matter what time it is exercised.

3. Prepare your lunch the next day the night before:

An average meal in any restaurant contains more than twice the calories you should consume in one sitting, according to a study in 2013. But in the rush of the morning, who has time to prepare your food? Stay away from all those extra calories by preparing your food the night before. (You can try a delicious tuna salad or chicken).

4. Drink plenty of water:

Liquid cleanse your system, which will help get rid of any water you're holding. But as you will not want to wake up at midnight to run to the bathroom, stop taking one hour before bedtime.

5. Make sure your room is completely dark:

Melatonin can help your body to produce more fat-burning hormones, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Pineal Research. As your body naturally produces melatonin, be sure not to interrupt its production with artificial lights.

6. Lower the temperature of your bedroom:

The idea of ​​burning calories while you sleep may seem too good to be true, but a study by the National Institute of Health Clinical Center found that people who sleep in a room at a lower temperature, burn up to seven times more calories than those who sleep in temperatures higher.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Why Cardio Doesn't Work for Fat Loss

Why Cardio Doesn't Work for Fat Loss 
By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Cardio exercise is such a strange thing. In theory, it should work
so perfectly well for all men and women, but as anyone who has
tried it knows, the practicality of it just doesn't add up.
After all, some men and women do cardio 6 hours, 9 hours, or more per week, and still have belly fat to burn. On the other hand, it works just fine for others.
British researchers wanted to get more insight into this paradox, and studied 35 overweight men and women, who weren't previously exercising.
(Reference: International Journal of Obesity 32: 177-184, 2008).
Subjects exercised 5 times per week for 12 weeks. That's a lot of
exercise, but it helped the subjects lose an average of 8.2 pounds, which is great - I was positively surprised by the results.
So cardio will work for some people, however, in my experience, it works best in young men, who need the help the least!
Back to the study, the variance in fat loss between individuals was huge. Check this out...
The best subject lost a staggering 32.3 pounds in 12 weeks, while the worst subject actually GAINED 3.74 pounds.
The scientists think they know where things went sour. They
classified the subjects into 2 groups, called the "Compensators"
and the "Non-compensators".
The Compensators were hungrier, and as a result consumed an extra 268 calories per day, all but wiping out their cardio efforts.
Therefore, the Compensators lost the least amount of weight, and scientists believe that was due to the huge "compensatory" increase in appetite experienced by this group.
Does your appetite increase when you do slow cardio? If it does,
research shows it will ruin your cardio efforts.
So if your cardio program is not working for you, check your
appetite and calorie intake to see if you are "compensating" for
your efforts. If you are, you might be better off using a program
of high-intensity resistance and interval training (i.e. Turbulence Training) for your weight loss efforts.
As Australian Professor Steve Boucher has shown in research,
interval training increases hormones called catecholamines. And
increased catecholamines can reduce appetite, among other fat-
burning benefits.
In the real world, few people lose 33 pounds after 12 weeks of
cardio. Heck, few even achieve an average weight loss of 8 pounds with aerobic exercise.
So again, check your appetite, and consider giving high-intensity
exercise a go for your next workout program.
Beat the curse of cardio with high-intensity Turbulence Training.
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author
Learn about the "Dark Side of Cardio" in the free report from Craig Ballantyne Craig is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment,